The prerequisite for all visits is that they are arranged in advance; thus each guest will be welcomed and hosted by one of our colleagues.
When you come for a visit to one of our locations in Finland:
If you are coming to visit one of our locations in Finland, you will receive a pre-visit e-mail. The pre-visit e-mail includes details about the visit, arrival instructions, and a link to an online orientation that you must review before your visit.
Before your visit
Familiarize yourself with the orientation found at the link in the email. The content of the online orientation depends on the nature and duration of your visit. It typically takes about two minutes to complete the orientation. After completion, the system will request confirmation of your orientation.
Upon arrival
When you arrive at our premises, sign in to our visitor system. This process will verify your identity, confirm completion of the orientation, and print your visitor badge.
During your visit
Keep your visitor badge visible throughout your stay.
After your visit
When you are leaving, sign out of our visitor system.
Warmly welcome to meet our food professionals!