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Financial reports | 7 May 2024

Raisio plc’s Interim Report for January-March 2024

Raisio’s Q1 2024: The market environment has begun to show signs of stabilization during the first quarter of 2024. During January−March Raisio’s net sales and profitability were at the level of the comparison period, cash flow continued to strengthen. Net sales were practically on a par with the previous year, EUR 55.5 (56.5) million. Comparable EBIT was EUR 4.2 (4.2) million, which accounted for 7.6 (7.5) per cent of net sales.

Webcast targeted for analysts, investors and media was held in Finnish by CEO Pekka Kuusniemi on 7 May 2024, at 12:00 EEST. Webcast recording is available on this link.

Read the Q1 Interim Report

Q1 Presentation

CEO’s Review

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Five banks and brokerages follow Raisio

At least five banks and brokerages follow Raisio as an investment target. The Group cannot be held accountable for the analysts’ views.

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Responsibility is our strategy

Our approach to responsibility reflects the Raisio Group’s purpose – Food for Health, Heart and Earth. In our responsibility programme, the Good Food Plan, the health of the planet and people is taken into account. What is more, the responsibility of our products is assessed all along the way, from primary food production to production plant and to dinner table.

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