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Corporate Governance

Raisio plc’s Corporate Governance is based on its Articles of Association, the Finnish Limited Liabilities Companies Act and the rules and regulations of the Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.

Management Team and Board of Directors

The Management Team coordinates the Group’s operations and defines Group-level operating objectives, policies and processes. It prepares the Group’s strategy, supervises its implementation and assists the CEO in preparing proposals subjected to the Board, which concern the entire Group.

CEO and Management Team

Members of the Board of Directors

Pasi Flinkman, CEO Raisio plc

Corporate Governance and Remuneration Statements

Raisio plc issues a Corporate Governance Statement once a year as a separate report. Raisio plc issues a Remuneration Report as of the financial year 2020. The Remuneration Report describes the implementation of the company’s remuneration policy as confirmed by the Annual General Meeting held 27 April 2020, on the remuneration of the Supervisory Board, the Board of Directors and the CEO

Corporate Governance and Remuneration Statements

Internal Control and Risk Management

The aim of internal control and risk management systems related to Raisio Group’s financial reporting process is to ensure the reliability of financial statements and reporting, compliance with laws and regulations, as well as the ethicality, efficiency and profitability of operations.

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Raisio plc’s Corporate Governance model

Raisio plc’s Corporate Governance is based on its Articles of Association, the Finnish Limited Liabilities Companies Act and the rules and regulations of the Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd (Helsinki Stock Exchange). Raisio’s governing bodies are the General Meeting of shareholders, Supervisory Board, Board of Directors and the CEO. The Management Team assists the CEO with the operative management of the company.

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Raisio’s Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting is the Company’s highest decision making body. It meets annually by the end of April to decide on the matters within its responsibilities. You can find the latest AGM materials at the link below.

Annual General Meeting 

