Raisio Group focuses on responsibly produced healthy food. We take all important food-related factors into account: well-being, health, good taste and sustainable development.
Raisio’s Purpose, Values and Code of Conduct guide our day-to-day work and set a foundation for profitable and responsible operations. All of us at Raisio are committed to comply with these principles. Common rules help us do the right thing and do things right.
We are a forerunner in responsibility and sustainability, and will continue to show the way.
At Raisio, we work in a number of countries and in many different sectors. Our stakeholders, such as customers, consumers, shareholders and investors, require that we operate in a responsible way. The Raisio Code of Conduct is our common way to operate. In short, we treat each other with respect and we want to do profitable and responsible business.
Internal guidelines and policies complement the Raisio Code of Conduct.
Raisio’s Board of Directors has approved the Raisio Code of Conduct that applies to all Raisio Group’s operations, employees, management as well as the members of the Board and Supervisory Board. We are committed to comply with the Raisio Code of Conduct in our work and when representing the company.
We comply with local and international laws and regulations, generally accepted practices and Raisio’s own guidelines. We are also committed to the ten principles of the UN Global Compact initiative regarding human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
We respect the UN declaration of human rights and the fundamental rights at work as defined by the International Labour Organization (ILO).
These rights cover freedom of association, the right to organise or not to organise, the right to collective bargaining, the prohibition of forced labour and child labour, and the employees’ right to equal treatment and opportunities.
We take care of employee wellbeing by focusing on good leadership and supervisory work, on good interaction and internal communications, and by promoting a trusting work environment. With a number of services and projects, Raisio encourages and supports the physical and mental wellbeing of its employees. We also promote employee wellbeing through problem prevention and with early support practices.
At Raisio, competence development covers the entire lifecycle of an employment. Effective planning and implementation of the induction programme ensures that our employees have sufficient resources to succeed in their work. Internal and external training as well as on-the-job learning enable continuous learning and professional development.
The employee survey results and feedback help us find better practices. In addition, performance appraisals are used to identify employee development needs and to ensure that operations are in line with the Group’s objectives.
Employees are selected to their roles on the basis of their skills and experience, as defined in Raisio’s HR strategy. Discrimination on the grounds of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion or political beliefs, nationality, marital status, disability or age is prohibited. Equality between employees is important for us.
We all have a right to a safe work environment. With good management of occupational safety, we can ensure employees’ physical and mental wellbeing as well as their security. Employees receive regular training in occupational health and safety matters, also through practical training.
Behaviour that is mentally or physically coercive, threatening, offensive or abusive is not permitted at Raisio.
At Raisio, we encourage innovativeness and value the creation of intellectual capital. We reward for good ideas and employee inventions. We protect and respect our own and other companies’ intellectual capital.
We always act with honesty and integrity and in Raisio’s best interests. We do not accept bribery, corruption, money laundering or any other dishonest practices. We avoid all conflicts between our personal and Raisio’s interests.
In the course of business, no Raisio employee or any other third party acting on Raisio’s behalf may take unfair advantage of anyone by directly or indirectly giving, promising, authorising or offering cash or any other benefit exceeding ordinary hospitality. This also applies outside the scope of business, i.e. Raisio’s employees and partners may not take unfair advantage through directly or indirectly asking for, demanding, accepting or receiving a benefit exceeding ordinary hospitality.
We treat Raisio’s property appropriately and with care. The company’s property includes, for example, land, production plants, machinery and equipment, software and the company’s assets. In addition, Raisio’s property includes patents, trademarks, copyrights, customer and product information, and trade secrets, such as pricing criteria.
Raisio brands are an essential part of the company property. We protect Raisio brands and intervene in any unauthorised or inappropriate use of our brands. The use of Raisio name or brands as a reference always requires a specific permission.
We protect trade secrets, personal data and customer information appropriately and in accordance with information security rules.
Our customers and consumers can always trust the safety of our products. We take special care of product safety related matters. We regularly monitor and identify the risks associated with product safety. We also plan and carry out measures to minimise and manage these risks. We monitor compliance with the established guidelines and procedures. We provide regular staff training in product safety matters. Our operating systems are based on the internationally approved quality and product safety standards and on our own continuous improvement work.
Raw materials, food allergens and other required information are clearly described on the packaging labels. Our products are marketed in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations.
Our business operations are based on renewable raw materials and on sustainable, environmentally friendly activities. Our several innovations improve the environmental friendliness and sustainability of the food chain. Environmental impacts significantly affect our investment decisions, too.
Raisio’s environmental priorities are improvement of energy and material efficiency. The company reports on the environmental impact of its operations once a year in the Corporate Responsibility Report.
Our partners must commit to the Raisio Supplier Code of Conduct. They must comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, as well as guidelines and instructions provided by Raisio.
We communicate openly, interactively and honestly. Raisio is listed on the NASDAQ Helsinki Ltd; as a listed company we comply with the information disclosure obligation and publish information on the Raisio Group’s activities and financial performance to all stakeholders at the same time. Our subsidiaries around the world comply with local regulations and guidelines in their reporting.
Media communication is coordinated by Raisio Group Communications. The flow of inside information is ensured through, for example, intranet and superior communications. In social media, we comply with Raisio’s Social Media Guidelines.
Raisio is a publicly listed company, so the company and its employees are obliged to follow the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The Regulation includes, for example, rules concerning inside trading and the disclosure and misuse of inside information. Raisio expects its personnel, management and members of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board to comply with the laws as well as the rules and regulations based on these laws.
We comply with the applicable competition law. We do not accept illegal cooperation between competitors and we do not discuss, for example, prices, products or other trade secrets with competitors.
We are committed to the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing. We comply with all local and international laws and regulations against terrorism, corruption and money laundering.
Raisio’s products are made of renewable, mainly plant-based raw materials. We do not conduct animal testing in the development of new food products. In some countries, market access for products or the use of a health claim may involve mandatory animal testing to ensure the safety or efficacy of ingredients.
Raisio may participate in scientific research projects that may include animal testing.
All Raisio employees are expected to comply with the Raisio Code of Conduct. Employees are encouraged to report suspected or actual misconduct to the immediate superior or his/her superior. Employees can also report their observations of misconduct using the email address compliance@raisio.com; or anonymously mail a letter to Raisio’s Vice President of Legal Affairs or CFO. Employees’ reports of misconduct are always treated strictly confidentially. The party’s legitimate expectations or position are never threatened.
Raisio does not tolerate violation of the Code of Conduct from its employees. It will always lead to disciplinary action and the continuation of employment will be reassessed.
Raisio’s Vice President, Legal Affairs answers any questions or inquiries concerning the Raisio Code of Conduct.
Quality, environment, health and safety work is an important part of Raisio’s Corporate Responsibility. We comply with all local, national and international laws and regulations regarding our operations. We operate in accordance with Raisio Code of Conduct, our other policies and commitments.
We develop our operations in line with the principle of continuous improvement. We systematically train our personnel in quality, environmental, health and safety topics. We follow and identify risks related to the quality, environment, health and safety of our own operations. We also plan and implement measures to minimize and manage these risks.
Respecting human rights is fundamental to the Raisio Group and sets the foundation for our values and Code of Conduct which guide our day-to-day work. Raisio’s values are Courage, Fairness and Drive. This Human Rights policy will complement the Code of Conduct and it is applied in all Raisio Group Companies globally. Raisio expects its suppliers and contractors to monitor their performance in respecting human rights.
Raisio complies with international and local laws and regulations valid at any time in the countries in which it operates. Raisio respects the UN declaration of human rights and the fundamental rights at work as defined by the International Labour Organization (ILO). These rights cover freedom of association, the right to organise or not to organise, the right to collective bargaining, the prohibition of forced labour and child labour, and employees’ right to equal treatment and opportunities. Raisio is also committed to the ten principles of the UN Global Compact initiative regarding human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
Raisio commits to treating its employees with dignity and respect. Raisio does not tolerate any discrimination at work based on, e.g. race, gender, religion or sexual orientation. Regardless of personal characteristics, Raisio does not tolerate disrespectful or inappropriate behavior, unfair treatment or retaliation of any kind. To ensure remediation of potential abuses, Raisio has established a channel which is available to all employees.
Raisio commits to providing a safe and healthy workplace. Raisio complies with all applicable safety and health laws, regulations and Raisio’s internal requirements. Accident prevention is the top priority in Raisio’s safety work. Raisio continues the determined improvement of Raisio’s work safety culture. Raisio encourages everyone to use preventive safety tools and to make safety observations. Working conditions should allow for safe working practices and support the occupational health and well-being of employees. Raisio’s continuous target is to improve health and safety in Raisio’s workplaces.
Employees are encouraged to report suspected or actual misconduct to the immediate superior or his/her superior. Employees can also report their observations of misconduct using the email address compliance@raisio.com; or anonymously mail a letter to Raisio’s Vice President of Legal Affairs and Corporate Responsibility, Secretary of the Board or CFO. Employees’ reports of misconduct are always treated strictly confidentially. The party’s legitimate expectations or position are never threatened.
Raisio works with its suppliers and contractors to ensure that human rights are respected in the supply chain and Raisio’s own operations and products. All Raisio’s suppliers and contractors are expected to sign Raisio’s Supplier Code of Conduct. As appropriate, Raisio uses tools for human rights risk and impact assessments to identify actual and potential human rights issues. Raisio regularly audits its suppliers and contractors and human rights are an essential part of the audit. Human rights related issues are also addressed in self-assessment documents which are required to be provided prior to becoming Raisio’s supplier or contractor.
Raisio reports its progress in respecting human rights in its report on non-financial items and in the corporate responsibility report on an annual basis. The reporting also includes information on possible human rights violations and actions taken.
Raisio’s Board of Directors has approved this Policy. Any non-compliance with this Policy will be brought to the attention of the Group’s Executive Committee. Raisio’s Corporate Responsibility Team reviews and, when required, updates this Human Rights Policy.
Raisio’s Human Rights Policy is publicly available and is communicated internally and externally.
Date issued: November 19, 2020
Raisio expects its raw material suppliers operate ethically. This is ensured by requesting the suppliers to commit to Raisio Group Supplier Code of Conduct. Supplier Code of Conduct contains requirements related to, e.g., environmental responsibility, work conditions based on international standards, ban on child and forced labour, and anti-discrimination.
Furthermore, all raw material suppliers must complete a Supplier Self-Audit form at least every three years.
1.1 To ensure responsible conduct with respect to ethical, social and environmental issues, this Supplier Code of Conduct (hereinafter referred to as “SCC”) summarises the minimum requirements to which Raisio plc and and any company within the Raisio Group (hereinafter referred to as “Raisio”) is committed and to which Raisio requires its suppliers to commit in order to conduct business with Raisio.
1.2 For the purposes of this SCC, the “Supplier” means any supplier and any business entity affiliated to such supplier (by way of consolidation in the same group of companies or throughout its own supply chain) of deliverables including without limitation supplies, goods, services, consultation, equipment and products to Raisio and any entity within the Raisio Group.
2.1 The Supplier is required to
a) fully conform with human rights arising from the UN Declaration of human rights, national law and international treaties, in all respects;
b) treat each individual respectfully and with dignity and
c) respect the privacy and rights of each individual.
2.2 The supplier shall not
a) employ a child who is under the legal employment age, which is 15 years (or 14 years if so regulated by the applicable laws). Every child is to be protected from economic exploitation and from carrying out work that can be considered dangerous, to have a negative effect on the child’s education or to be harmful to the child’s health or development;
b) force any person to work against his or her will;
c) persecute, discriminate and/or harass anyone based on any reason, such as gender, age, sexual orientation, colour, race, social background, ethnic origin, disability, pregnancy, religion, political opinions, union membership;
d) engage in sexual, physical or verbal abuse and corporal punishment and threat of the same or
e) force its employees to hand over their valuables or identification documents.
2.3 The Supplier is required to treat its employees in a fair and equal manner and to respect the employees’ freedom of association and right to collective bargaining.
2.4 The Supplier is required to pay (and cause its sub-suppliers and subcontractors to pay) its employees at least the minimum salary in accordance with the applicable law and/or collective bargaining agreement. Any deduction from wages as a disciplinary measure is prohibited.
2.5 The Supplier is required to fully comply with applicable legislation and/or collective bargaining agreements related to working hours and rest periods.
3.1 The Supplier is responsible for the health and safety of its employees. The Supplier shall at least comply with the minimum standards according to national and local laws and regulations regarding the work environment.
3.2 The Supplier shall take the best possible precautionary measures against accidents and occupational diseases. The Supplier must educate and train employees in health and safety issues as well as introduce and maintain an adequate occupational health and safety management system.
4.1 The Supplier is required to comply with all environmental laws, regulations and standards applicable to its operations. The Supplier will observe environmentally friendly practices in all locations where it operates.
4.2 The Supplier must actively work to reduce emissions into the air, soil and waterways and make more efficient use of natural resources.
5.1 The Supplier is required to conduct its business in an ethical manner. This includes that the Supplier:
a) refrains from all forms of corruption and bribery, whether direct or indirect. The Supplier is especially required to ensure that payments, gifts and acts of hospitality are in compliance with applicable anti-bribery laws and not lavish;
b) strictly complies with competition and anti-trust laws in all aspects of its business;
c) refrains from any infringements of intellectual property rights;
d) protects the confidentiality of all confidential information provided by Raisio and others;
e) takes responsibility of any personal data in its possession and complies fully with data security legislation;
f) undertakes to have in place and to maintain all statutory social and other insurances and
g) complies with international trade regulations and export control regulations.
5.2 The Supplier is required to accurately and transparently record information related to its business activities, financial figures and situation in conformity with applicable legislation.
5.3 The Supplier is required to comply with all applicable legislation in all jurisdictions where it conducts business.
6.1 The Supplier is required to avoid any potential conflicts of interest.
6.2 If the Supplier detects a circumstance which might lead to a conflict of interest, the Supplier shall forthwith inform Raisio of such circumstance. The Supplier shall always disclose of any financial interest, excluding shares and other instruments on publicly listed companies, an employee of Raisio may hold in the Supplier’s business.
7.1 The Supplier is required to ensure that this SCC is implemented. The Supplier shall ensure and regularly monitor the compliance with this SCC.
7.2 Raisio reserves the right to monitor the compliance of this SCC. The Supplier will allow Raisio and/or parties designated by Raisio to perform compliance monitoring and audits of documents and premises related to the co-operation.
8.1 In case the Supplier does not comply with this SCC, Raisio may provide the Supplier with guidance on necessary actions and the Supplier undertakes to take such corrective actions forthwith.
8.2 If the Supplier fails to fully comply with the terms of this SCC, Raisio has the right to terminate its business co-operation with the Supplier. This termination right exists without prejudice to any other rights Raisio may have under any contract between Raisio and the Supplier.
Raisio plc’s Disclosure Policy is available in the Investors section.
Board of Directors
Monitoring the implementation of responsibility; confirming the material themes and key principles.
Sustainability Committee of the Supervisory Board
Oversees company’s compliance with sustainability issues as part of the Supervisory Board’s task to supervise the corporate administration run by the Board and CEO.
Board of Directors’ Audit Committee
Auditing the non-financial report as part of the Board of Directors’ report.
CEO and the Group Management Team (until June 2024 Executive Committee)
In charge of the Raisio Group’s Corporate Responsibility as part of the company’s strategy.
Vice President, Legal Affairs and Corporate Responsibility
Leading the Raisio Group’s responsibility work; in charge of the progress of the responsibility programme, the Good Food Plan.
Responsibility Working Group
Developing and coordinating the Raisio Group’s corporate responsibility work. Consulting and assisting the entire organization to carry out the Good Food Plan. In charge of the responsibility reporting and communications.
Responsibility steering groups
In charge of the practical organization and implementation of the activities in the Good Food Plan’s 5 key projects and the achievement of the goals.
As one operator in the food chain we are doing our part to build a common food system that is more sustainable for the environment and climate.
Learn more about our sustainability work by reading our Annual Review 2024, which includes also our Responsibility information from 2024.
As one operator in the food chain we are doing our part to build a common food system that is more sustainable for the environment and climate.
Learn more about our sustainability work by reading our Annual Review 2024, which includes also our Responsibility information from 2024.